phnom penh
Suma sumárum Navštívit Kambodžu stojí určitě za to. Ještě před cestou jsem na internetu našel několikrát, že lidé se zde stále smějí. Je to tak. Úsměvy uvidíte na každém kroku a lidé jsou příjemní, zvídaví a přátelští. Spolu s nízkými cenami za ubytování, jídlo i cestování se jedná o krásnou […]
My last days in Phnom Penh started well. During waiting on my Vietnamese visa I was still enjoying my friends and the city. I took another Taekwon-do training and helped Chivorn with his group of students during one Sunday afternoon. In the evening we took a Khmer dinner with the […]
After the arrival to the airport I filled visa form, paid 30 USD (25,80 EUR) and got a nice one-side sticker in my brand new passport. The administration took just 10 minutes and I was out of the airport building where my old Taekwon-do friend Chivorn Pal and his students […]
During my visit of Phnom Penh city in Cambodia I had the opportunity to to train with local team and few friends that I met on World Championships in the past. After arrival on 31st October I was welcomed by Chivorn Pal, Siesung Tang and Vannsak Lim at the airport. […]
It was 6:30 and my alarm clock woke me up, saying it is time to go. It had been just 16 hours since I came from Germany after leaving my life and job abroad behind. Backpack is packed, new Salomon shoes ready in front of the door and good mood […]